13 Super Easy Easter Snacks Your Kids Will Actually Eat

I get it. The class party sign-up sheet comes home and you’re like “Really? Another holiday party?”

Last year I signed up to bring snacks for both twins’ classes and ended up having a minor meltdown in the Walmart seasonal aisle at 9pm the night before. Not my finest mom moment.

But this year? I’ve got you covered, mama! After way too many Pinterest fails and some serious trial runs with my own kids (my son is basically the world’s pickiest taste tester), I’ve figured out the Easter treats that actually work for school.

And the best part? Most of these can be prepped while binge-watching your favorite show after the kids go to bed. Because let’s be real…that’s when all the good mom stuff happens, right?

1. Bunny Snack Cups

Remember those little Jello cups from when we were kids? Well, these are like that but way cuter and actually school-appropriate.

You’ll need:

  • Clear plastic cups from Walmart (they’re like $3 for 50)
  • Easter grass (the paper kind, not that plastic stuff that shows up in random places until Christmas)
  • Goldfish crackers
  • Sharpie for drawing faces

Head to Walmart and grab some clear plastic cups (they’re like $3 for 50), some Easter grass (the paper kind, not that plastic stuff that shows up in random places until Christmas), Goldfish crackers, and a Sharpie for drawing faces. That’s literally all you need!

Last week I made these for my twins’ classes and the kids went CRAZY for them. Even my “too cool for cute food” daughter admitted they were pretty awesome.

Just put a little Easter grass in the bottom of each cup, fill with Goldfish, and draw a simple bunny face on the outside. Done and done!

2. Carrot Patch Bags

These are seriously the easiest things ever and they look like you spent way more time on them than you actually did.

Grab some:

  • Baby carrots
  • Ranch dip cups (Costco has the best deal on these)
  • Clear treat bags
  • Green curling ribbon
  • All you need to do is swing by Costco for some ranch dip cups (they have the best deal) and baby carrots, then grab clear treat bags and green curling ribbon from the dollar spot at Walmart.

Put a handful of carrots and a dip cup in each bag, tie with the green ribbon so it looks like carrot tops…and boom! You’re basically a Pinterest mom now.

3. Easter Egg Trail Mix

My twins helped me test this one out and mostly just picked out all the chocolate…but hey, that’s what kids do, right?

Mix together:

  • Cheerios
  • Pretzel sticks
  • Easter M&Ms
  • Annie’s Bunny Grahams (my kids are OBSESSED with these)
  • Raisins (optional…but someone’s gonna be the “healthy mom”)

Walmart has these adorable little Easter-themed snack containers in their seasonal section right now for like 88 cents each. Way better than plastic bags that’ll just end up all over the classroom floor.

4. Peeps on a Perch

Okay, before you run away screaming at the thought of giving 20 sugar-charged kindergarteners Peeps…hear me out.

These are actually healthy fruit with just one Peep on top. Use a toothpick if you can’t get the Peep to stand. The teachers will thank you for not going full sugar-bomb.

You need:

  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Cherry Tomatoes (optional but yes, tomatoes are fruit)
  • Toothpicks
  • Peeps bunnies

Arrange the fruit in a nice pile then add the Peep on top. Strawberries for an extra bonus garnish. My twins tried to pluck all the Peeps while we were making these…and honestly, I might have helped him.

5. Easter Oreo Pops

These look fancy but they’re actually super simple. Trust me, if I can make these while my cat keeps trying to knock everything off the counter, you can too.

Shopping list:

  • Regular Oreos
  • White chocolate melting wafers (found these at Walmart)
  • Easter sprinkles
  • Lollipop sticks

Last time I made these, I did them after the kids went to bed and managed to only eat like…four of them. That’s what we call growth, people.

6. Bunny Popcorn Cups

Remember when we used to make those popcorn balls as kids? These are way easier and less sticky.

Get yourself:

  • Plain popcorn (microwave or air-popped)
  • White chocolate melting wafers
  • Pink food coloring
  • Easter M&Ms
  • Paper cups
  • Those little candy eyes from the baking aisle

My twins love helping with this one because they get to mix the M&Ms in…and sneak a few while they think I’m not looking.

7. Easter Egg Fruit Cups

These are perfect for when you signed up to bring something healthy but still want it to be fun.

You’ll need:

  • Plastic Easter eggs (the bigger ones)
  • Fresh fruit chunks
  • Those little plastic forks from Walmart

Fill each egg half with fruit, add a tiny fork, and you’re done! All kids will think it’s so cool to eat out of eggs.

8. Rice Krispie Treat Nests

These are basically regular Rice Krispie treats but shaped like nests…because sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ones.

Shopping list:

  • Rice Krispies (or store brand…I won’t judge)
  • Marshmallows
  • Butter
  • Jelly beans or Cadbury Mini Eggs

Last time I made Rice Krispies, I forgot to grease the tin first and it was…not great. Learn from my mistakes, mama!

9. Bunny Bagels

These work great for morning parties or if you’re trying to avoid sending straight-up sugar to school.


  • Mini bagels
  • Cream cheese
  • Baby carrots
  • Raisins for eyes
  • Pretzel sticks for whiskers

The first time I tried making these, they looked more like angry cats than bunnies…but the kids didn’t care at all.

10. Easter Snack Mix Cones

This is basically the trail mix from earlier but made fancy with ice cream cones.

You need:

  • Waffle cones
  • All your trail mix ingredients
  • Plastic wrap
  • Ribbon

My son helped put these together and only crushed like…half the cones. Progress!

11. Rainbow Fruit Cups

Because Easter needs some rainbow action too!

Layer these fruits in clear cups:

  • Strawberries
  • Mandarin oranges
  • Pineapple chunks
  • Green grapes
  • Blueberries

Found these perfect cups at Costco…you know, while I was there “just getting milk” and somehow spent $300.

12. Bunny Graham Goodie Bags

When you’re really running behind and need something QUICK…

Throw together:

  • Annie’s Bunny Grahams
  • Easter M&Ms
  • Clear treat bags
  • Ribbon

I’ve literally assembled something similar in the school parking lot before. No shame in my mom game!

13. Easter Egg Jello Cups

These take a little planning ahead but they’re worth it.


  • Clear plastic cups
  • Blue Jello
  • Cool Whip
  • Jellybean “eggs”

Remember mama, whatever you end up bringing to the class party, the kids are gonna love it. They’re just excited to have something special!

And if all else fails? Grab those pre-packaged Easter treats from Walmart’s seasonal aisle. Sometimes being a smart mom means knowing when to take the easy way out!

Tell me in the comments…what’s your go-to class party treat? And has anyone else had a late-night Target or Walmart panic shopping session, or is that just me?

Please pin this for later!

Hey all! Most days you’ll find me juggling dance, softball, football and hockey practice between bouts of furious typing. Life with twins keeps me on my toes! When I’m not chasing kiddos or creating content, I’m probably buried under a pile of coffee mugs scheming up my next writing project. Connect with me on Pinterest where I stockpile all my latest mom hacks and sanity-saving tips! 💕

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